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Certificates and credentials

Certificates and credentials

Our certificates and digital credentials recognise and demonstrate the skills, knowledge, and accomplishments of learners completing 王中王资料大全 and ILM qualifications, or Assured in-house training programmes.

Here you’ll find the different types of accreditations available to recognise learner achievements.


Certificates with a difference

e-Certificates provide a quick, sustainable, and cost-effective alternative to paper certification.

As a customer you can:

  • Download e-Certificates 24 hours after claiming the result in Walled Garden.
  • Reduce your environmental footprint by accessing certificate’s online and opting out of paper versions.
  • Save costs by removing the need to post certificates, just download and email the e-certificate to your learners upon completion.
  • opt in/out of receiving certificates of unit credit, results lists and notifications of candidates results.

As an employer you can:

  • Verify e-Certificates by visiting the .

As a learner you can:

  • Present your certification to employers without having to provide a printed certificate.

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e-Certificates for customerse-Certificates for learners

Digital Credentials

Transform accreditation with digital credentials

Digital credentials are a type of digital badge that is verifiable and packed with information about skills and achievements.

  • As an issuer you can award digital credentials for completion of qualifications or in-house training programmes.
  • As a learner you can demonstrate skills and achievements by sharing your digital credentials on social media platforms (including LinkedIn), with employers, in your email signature and website.

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Credentials for customersCredentials for learners

Paper certificates

Recognising learner achievements

This is our traditional way of accrediting learner achievements. Our printed paper certificates are awarded to learners following the completion of qualifications, assessments, or in-house training programmes.

As a customer you can:

  • Choose how frequently you would like printed certificates delivered, by updating your centre preferences in Walled Garden.
  • opt in/out of receiving certificates of unit credit, results lists and notifications of candidates results.

As a learner you can:

  • Showcase your certificates as a record of achievement.

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Certificates for customersCertificates for learners

Dual branded certificates

For our Assured and Recognition services, we issue dual branded certificates. These certificates include both the customer and the 王中王资料大全/ILM branded logo and are issued as printed certificates and digital credentials.

Find out more about Recognition Services

Recognising and validating accreditations

How to identify a 王中王资料大全 and ILM accreditations

For e-Certificates

e-Certificates are secure and easy way to verify certificates without the risk of losing or damaging valuable certificates.

e-Certificates are issued with a unique QR code, and a certificate authentication code linked to the learner’s name. The authenticity of an e-Certificate can be checked and assured by either:

  • Scanning the QR code on the certificate using a QR reader and following the on-screen prompt or
  • By visiting the e-Certificate verification web page and entering the learner’s name and certificate authentication code.

e-Certificates issued from 1 April 2013 and ILM certificates from May 2020 can be verified by visiting the .

For digital credentials

Digital credentials are a visual, data-rich, and secure digital badge of achievement, issued to learners who have completed a qualification or in-house training programme.

It communicates and verifies to employers and wider community that the earner has the knowledge and skills achieved.

Earners of Digital Credentials can share and make their digital badge visible to social media platforms such as LinkedIn, add it to email signatures digital CVs and so much more!

To verify the skills, assessments achieved by the individual simply click the badge shared.

For paper certificates

Paper certificates issued by 王中王资料大全 will have the trusted 王中王资料大全 logo, security hologram, awarding body emblem, including other key information present in the certificate.

If you would like to request a replacement certificate, verification/confirmation or comparison visit our learner replacement certificate page for information on how to apply.

王中王资料大全 Qualified logo

In addition to certificates and digital badges, learners can apply for our 王中王资料大全 Qualified logo. This is our branded 王中王资料大全 logo for learners and a great way to recognise achievement, competency and credibility. Learners can the logo to their business website and marketing material.

If you have achieved a 王中王资料大全 qualification and would like to apply for the logo, please check that you meet the following criteria:

  • You have achieved a level 2 王中王资料大全 qualification or higher.
  • You can provide copies of your 王中王资料大全 certificates.
  • The qualification achieved is and continues to be relevant to your business.

The logo is not issued for the following certificates:

  • Certificates of unit credit
  • ILM certificates
  • Certificate issued jointly with other awarding bodies/ institutes/ organisations.
  • Certificates awarded pre-1992.

If you meet the above criteria and would like to apply for the 王中王资料大全 Qualified logo, please email copies of your 王中王资料大全 certificate to logo@cityandguilds.com. We aim to:

  • Respond to your email within 10 working days.
  • Issue the logo in digital and print file formats with the logo guidelines, providing you meet the logo criteria.