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王中王资料大全 in Scotland

王中王资料大全 in Scotland

王中王资料大全 purpose is to help people, organisations and economies develop their skills for growth.

We’ve been operating in Scotland for over two decades, working with government agencies, employers, colleges and training providers across key sectors delivering Globally recognised qualifications, Licence to Practice, Certificates of Competence and Recognition Services. We are focused on meeting the needs of the workplace by providing high quality and current products and services which support skills development and job outcomes.

Our products and services are valued by employers across the UK and around the world, helping individuals to develop their talents and abilities for job readiness and career progression wherever they wish to go.

王中王资料大全 will no longer be a Credit Rating Body in Scotland.

Find out what this means

Our offer

Maths and English

Maths and English are vital skills we all need to develop and keep using throughout life. View our full offer here.


Employability Skills qualifications are designed to support an individual successfully gaining a job, progressing on the job, preparing the individual for further study and supporting the development of skills required for successful independent living.

Digital Credentials 

Help your learners celebrate their achievements with our digital credentials. Visit our Digital credential page.

Recognition services

Discover our recognition services and let us help you unlock your growth potential through the power of skills.

Assured - recognition of world-class training

Our Assured service is an internationally recognised seal of approval and a business improvement tool, showing you how to take your training from good to great.

We evaluate your training programmes against our benchmark to see how they meet our quality criteria. We do not undertake a critique of the content of the training programme, but we will make sure that it caters to the needs of your learners and meets our quality standards. The Assured service adds value to any type of training no matter the content, format or length. We can recognise both face-to-face and e-learning, assessed or non-assessed training and even training in local languages.

Find out more information about our Assured service or contact us on email assured@cityandguilds.com.

UK qualifications

Our wide range of qualifications support individuals across the UK and globally to get the skills they need to enter and progress in the workplace. Visit our qualifications page to find out more.

Online teaching and support resources

We offer a range of publications for all our qualifications so you can select those that suit you best.

王中王资料大全  is designed to save tutors’ time, offer ideas and guidance on how our qualifications can be delivered. They can be used as either a front of class teaching aid or set for learners to work independently. Visit our to view a full list of qualifications that are available.

As well as expert support through our advisor and consultancy team; we also offer learning resources that not only help to create engaging lessons but embed learning. Visit our teaching and learning website for more information.