
Employer and industry T Level update: Animal Care and Management Technical Qualification (TQ)

The development of the T Level Technical Qualification has been underway since October 2021, and over recent months it has become apparent that in order to ensure the final product meets the expectations of both employers and higher education providers, the content and structure of the qualification needs further work and engagement.

19 August 2022

As such, The Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) have decided to extend the development timeframe to September 2024 which will allow the time for proper consideration of the range of views about this T Level.  

This means that the Animal and Equine Occupational Specialisms will be deferred for first teaching until September 2024. As a result, there is now more time and further opportunity for industry and employers to be involved in reviewing and validating both of the Occupational Specialisms (OS) content and assessments within the Animal Care and Management (TQ). 

The employers voice and involvement throughout the T Level development process is a critical element in their development and success. Providing feedback on the content of the qualifications and assessment materials ensures that current industry practices are accurately reflected and builds confidence that the qualifications are fit for purpose.

There are several ways that employers can be involved in the development of the TQs. Our expert validation groups review the key TQ documents and help shape the development of the content and materials.

These documents include: 

  • Specifications – TQ content for the T Level 
  • Specialist content for each occupational specialism
  • Assessment materials – including exams, projects and related mark schemes.

The employer validation groups work to ensure that the qualifications align to employer needs and that learners are equipped with the right knowledge and skills to enter employment in the sector or progress to further learning. These groups also work to ensure that assessments are fair and fit for purpose.

To get involved in the validation groups or discuss other ways you can be involved, please contact Sally Green, Industry Manager for Land-based Services (T Levels) via sally.green@cityandguilds.com

To read more about the Agriculture, Environment and Animal Care T Level, visit our dedicated webpage, or sign up to receive updates.

Note for readers: This decision does not change the timeline for Agriculture, Land Management & Production, which will be available for first teaching in September 2023. 

The Agriculture, Land Management & Production (ALMP) TQ will be ready for delivery from September 2023. This includes the following Occupational Specialisms: 

  • Livestock Production
  • Crop Production
  • Trees and Woodland
  • Land-based Engineering
  • Ornamental Horticulture
  • Landscaping
  • Floristry

We will look to incorporating the Habitat Management Occupational Specialism once the appropriate standards are available.