
Helping you to plan ahead for EPA

We know that you will be looking to secure EPA dates for your apprentices this summer, and we want to work closely with you to agree the best possible dates during a busy time of year.

The good news is that we can service your EPA requirements all year round and have the capacity to support you.

Pre-gateway service

For some specific standards in Construction, Transport Maintenance, Engineering and Leadership & Management we can offer a pre-gateway service that enables you to book your EPA date prior to Gateway.

This can be a great way to avoid disappointment, so please reach out to our Partnership Managers to learn more.

The summer months can be very busy for EPA, so we do encourage you to provide as much notice as possible in advance of your preferred EPA dates.

Using our EPA booking lead time guide

As you may be aware there are some variations in the booking lead times, and this document aims to help clarify those lead times for you.

These minimum lead times include Gateway processing time and are subject to first-time Gateway approval.

This document below is structured by sector, so please take a look and search for the specific standard you are delivering.

Access the guide

Speak to our EPA Partnership Managers

Our EPA Partnership Managers are here to support your EPA planning.

Please feel free to email or call them to request support for your EPA bookings.

Rebecca Hollamby - 07876 448147

Janice Collins – 07872 463170

Morice Hole – 07718 092138